Monday, April 18, 2011

Top 12 Super Foods for the College Student

Super Foods, also known as Functional Foods, are foods that have extra health benefits beyond the nutrition it provides.  Numerous studies, for example, have shown the benefits of including fruits and vegetables in the diet as the antioxidants in these foods help in the prevention of disease risks.  Super Foods, however, can be found in all the food groups!  This all the more shows the importance of eating a well-balanced diet, as these nutrients always work together in promoting health.   
Begin today by incorporating some of these top Super Foods:

1.      Whole Wheat Pasta.
2.      Oatmeal.
  • Pasta falls under the Grains category and choosing the whole-grain version over the regular gives this plain food the “super” kick! Oatmeal itself is a whole grain and a terrific source of both insoluble and soluble fiber.  Start your morning off with a hot cup of oatmeal and mix up the flavors by adding cinnamon, walnuts, or a squirt of honey!

3.      Skim Milk.
4.      Non-fat Greek Yogurt.
  • Skim milk and yogurt fall under the Dairy category of MyPyramid, providing great sources of calcium, Vitamin D, and protein. Yogurt, in addition, contains probiotics (friendly bacteria) that can aid in promoting digestive health.

5.      Eggs.
6.     Chicken Breast.
  • Under the Meat & Beans category, we find eggs and chicken breast as the top picks. Eggs are terrific sources of protein, and the egg yolks should not be completely eliminated from the diet, as they provide choline, an important nutrient for the brain and cardiovascular system. Other super foods in this category include black/kidney beans and salmon/tuna.

7.      Spinach.
8.      Sweet Potatoes.
  • It is important to include a wide variety of colorful Veggies in the diet to ensure you’re getting enough vitamins and minerals. Leafy greens such as spinach, kale, and broccoli also contain phytochemicals that can help strengthen the immune system.

9.      Oranges.
10.      Blueberries.
  • An excellent source of Vitamin C, these Fruits are packed with antioxidant power! Remember antioxidants tend to work together in the body so be sure to get enough of these naturally-sweet power foods. Apples and Kiwis are also great choices!
11.      Almonds.
12.      Peanut Butter.
  • These foods can fall under the Fats/Oils Section of MyPyramid so beware of how much you’re eating! Nuts are fantastic sources of monounsaturated fats (healthy fats) and Vitamin E. In research studies, these nutrients have been linked with reducing heart disease risks. Other picks include walnuts, avocados, and olive oil.

It is important to include a wide variety of colorful Veggies in the diet to ensure you’re getting enough vitamins and minerals. Leafy greens such as spinach, kale, and broccoli also contain phytochemicals that can help strengthen the immune system.

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