Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Chocolate Lovers - A Sweet Treat at Perk's

  A term that may be unfamiliar to you is flavonoids antioxidant.  A flavonoids antioxidant is found in plants like oranges, grape juice, apples, onions, tea and cocoa.  Eating plenty of plant based foods helps to reinforce our own body’s defenses.  Thanks to nutrient-rich cocoa beans people benefit from eating chocolate, especially dark chocolate. A small piece of dark chocolate has only 50 calories, but most candy bars contain at least 200 calories.So go ahead and eat a small, 1.6 ounce bar of dark chocolate everyday because it's good for you.
  Treat yourself or someone special on Valentine’s Day to a sweet treat at Perk’s, located in the Ellicott Food Court.   Rich, decadent desserts are the perfect indulgence including heart shaped cookies, homemade fudge, chocolate covered strawberries and much much more.  Enjoy chocolate for its distinctive flavor as well as for its potential health benefits, but remember that chocolate contains fat and added sugar. Everything in moderation!  
Be Healthy ~

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