Sunday, March 28, 2010

Water - why it's good!

Top 10 Benefits of Staying Hydrated

Water has an abundance of functions and it’s very important to keep your hydration up to prevent and fight off a variety of different ailments. Here are 10 great reasons why you should be paying attention to the water going in your body each day (we recommend at least 6-8 glasses a day)!!

1. Higher Endurance- Nothing makes it easier to keep going on a workout than a nice big glass of water! Water acts as a fuel for all your cells and muscles to keep them doing their job and keep you moving.

2. Healthier Skin- Drinking water enhances capillary circulation to help moisturize, regulate body temperature and give skin a healthy color. Circulation is important to ensure proper skin repair and cellular hydration. Without water, your face will wrinkle and you’ll age prematurely.

3. Lose Weight- Water is especially important if you’re trying to curve your appetite and eat less. Not only does it help make you feel fuller, but it is involved in breakdown of proteins and carbohydrates which in turn neutralizes and burns fat molecules.

4. Immunity- Water can help fight the flu, kidney stones, heart attack and many other ailments. Adding lemon juice can give your water an extra kick in flavor and may also aid in keeping your immune system strong.

5. Reduced Cancer Risk- Water normalizes the blood-manufacturing system which aids in cancer prevention. Treatment of leukemia and lymphoma can also be achieved through drinking water. Cancer has become an increasingly large disease, so it’s important to start thinking of ways to prevent it while you’re young and it’s not too late!

6. Brain Function- Drinking more water can aid in many brain related maladies including depression, sleep disorders and attention deficit disorder (ADD). Water helps reduce depression through replenishing the neurotransmitter serotonin. Hydration also helps produce melatonin which regulates the sleep cycle. Energizing the brain through hydration also enables you to take in new information and pay attention more effectively. This is especially important for college students when you’re cramming for your exams!

7. Reduces Headaches- Whether your headache was originally caused by dehydration or if it’s unrelated, water often alleviates some of your pain and relaxes the muscles around your scalp. If you experience routine headaches, give drinking more water a try and see if you notice a reduction in the amount or severity of your headaches!

8. Reduces Cramps- Supplying water to your muscles is important to keep the muscles lubricated and prevent tightening which leads to painful cramps.

9. Healthier Joints- If you’re exercising or doing any activity that requires muscle movement, the function of your joints should be a definite concern. Water helps all ages with cushioning the joints and supporting the stress you’re putting on your body.

10. Energy Level- Water helps to increase your energy throughout the day through generating electrical and magnetic energy within the cells and providing a natural power boost!

Indicators of dehydration: darker colored urine, dry skin, hunger due to empty stomach, fatigue, migraines.

Be Healthy
By Lauren (Campus Dining and Shops Intern)

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