Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dining Hall Tips to Avoid the Freshmen Fifteen

Dining Hall Tips to Avoid the Freshmen Fifteen

Campus dining halls are overwhelming for many college students. With so many options, along with an all you can eat menu, it is easy to overindulge. Here are some tips to help with navigating the dining halls.

1. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES: Fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins and minerals. They are low in fat and calories, and can help fill you up. Aim for 2-3 cups of fruit and 2-3 cups of vegetables each day.
2. WHOLE GRAINS: Whole grain products offer more nutrients and contain fiber than refined products. When choosing grains such as breads, cereals, and pastas, look for whole grain products. You can choose whole wheat bread when selecting a sandwich, and select whole wheat pasta from the pasta bar.
3. AVOID FRIED FOODS: Fried foods contain high amounts of fats and little nutrients. Choose a baked potato instead of French fries, or a grilled chicken sandwich instead of a hamburger.
4. CHOOSE LOW FAT MEATS: Chicken and fish are lower in fat than red meats. Choose grilled or baked options. Be wary of sauces that can add a lot of calories and fat.
5. LOW FAT MILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS: Choose low fat or fat free milk. Drink chocolate milk sparingly as it is high in added sugars.
6. OPT FOR WATER: Choose water instead of juices and sodas, as these drinks are high in calories and sugars. We need about 8 glasses of water per day, so start by having water with every meal.
7. EAT A HEALTHY BREAKFAST: Choose whole grain cereals including Mini Wheats, Raison Bran, or oatmeal. Use low fat milk on cereal and have fruit at breakfast. Try not to eat eggs with sausage or bacon daily, as these are high in saturated fat and cholesterol.
8. FILL UP WITH SALAD: The salad bar is a great way to add veggies to a meal. When navigating the salad bar add lots of vegetables. A small amount of olive oil and vinegar make a healthy dressing option.
9. FRUIT FOR DESSERT: The dessert table can be overwhelming for many students. Try to steer clear of desserts. Instead select fresh fruits for a healthy alternative to help satisfy your sweet tooth.
10. PORTION CONTROL: Because most dining halls are all you can eat, it is easy to go overboard. Start out with small portions as you can always go up for more. You may find what you chose to begin with is plenty and you won’t leave feeling stuffed.

Be healthy!

By Rachel Kirsch, Campus Dining and Shops intern

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