Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Smart Snacking

Whether it’s the afternoon or a late night, you need a break from studying and realize your stomach is rumbling. You immediately reach for faithful friends: a bag of chips and a bottle of pop. However, they can actually do more damage than you realize. Certainly, these snacks will provide energy but only for a short time in comparison to healthier alternatives that can provide long-lasting energy. Not to mention, these snacks that are filled with fat, calories, and sugar help you get on the path to the freshmen 15.

Next time you’re on a snack break, aim for foods that contain complex carbohydrates, such as whole-grain breads and cereals. Pairing them with high-protein foods, such as low-fat cheese and nuts, helps keep your blood sugar levels, or your energy levels, steady. Choose these snack options over foods containing simple sugars, such as candy and soda, which will make you crash after an immediate boost in energy. Steer away from energy drinks, which are also high in sugar and caffeine. If you need your sugar fix, munch on whole fruit such as an apple or a cup of cantaloupe. These options contain fiber, which help slow the absorption of sugar, so you can concentrate on your work without crashing halfway through.

Some other snacks that are great sources of fuel include:

-Whole wheat pita with hummus
-Celery topped with peanut butter and raisins
-Sliced fruit dipped in low-fat yogurt
-Baked tortilla chips with salsa
-Homemade trail mix with your favorite whole-grain cereal, walnuts, and dried cranberries

Be healthy!
By Campus Dining and Shops Intern Judy

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